About St Barnabas Bible School

Churches filled with the knowledge of God’s glory will stand with faithful courage throughout the generations until Christ returns. They will hold out the beauty of Christ’s rule and redemption in a way that compels the nations to come in.

St. Barnabas Bible School exists to help the church in Cyprus be that kind of church.

We hope that the training we offer will help students see, and love, the full counsel of God’s word more clearly, and develop their ability to apply it faithfully to their varied situations.

If you are an elder or deacon, then our classes are designed to be helpful for you as you lead your churches. If you work for a para-church organisation then our classes are designed to help you faithfully and fruitfully serve those God has called you to. If you are a father, a Sunday-school teacher, a bible-study leader, a young-man thinking about future ministry, or any number of situations besides, then we hope that our courses will be beneficial for you as well.

Click here to see details of the courses we currently offer. To apply to join one of our courses, click here. To get in touch with a query or a suggestion, click here.

Our courses are open to a broad-range of men and women from a broad-range of theological backgrounds. However, our teaching comes from a reformed perspective. For more details on what that means, click here to see the doctrinal standards all of our regular teachers have signed up to.


  • Our courses are open to men and women

  • Students must be part of a Christian Church.

  • Students must be able to sign up to our basic doctrinal standards for students (see application form)